Execute the commands below in Anaconda Prompt:
(base) conda config --add channels conda-forge
(base) conda create -n embodied_coputation compas_fab=0.22.0 compas_eve compas --yes
(base) conda activate embodied_coputation
(base) conda create -n embodied_coputation compas_fab=0.22.0 compas_eve compas --yes
(base) conda activate embodied_coputation
(embodied_coputation) pip show compas_fab
Name: compas-fab
Version: 0.22.0
Summary: Robotic fabrication package for the COMPAS Framework
(embodied_coputation) python -m compas_rhino.install -v 7.0
(embodied_coputation) conda install git
Create a workspace directory:
Then open Github Desktop and clone the Embodied Computation repository repository into your projects folder. Then install the repo within your environment (in editable mode):
Voilà! You can now go to VS Code, Rhino or Grasshopper to run the example files!