
Session Blocks

Date Time Week Topic
01.30 13:30-15:00 1 Theoretical introduction to Augmented Reality and Human Machine Collaboration
  15:15-16:20   Hands-on exercise T1: Installation Party
02.07 13:30-15:00 2 Coding for Embodied Computation: Unity Introduction
  15:15-16:20   Hands-on coding exercise T2: First Unity File
02.14 13:30-15:00 3 Coding for Embodied Computation: Unity AR App
  15:15-16:20   Hands-on coding exercise T3: Build your own Ar app
02.21 13:30-15:00 4 Coding for Embodied Computation: Create your own interface
  15:15-16:20   Desk crits on project ideas
02.28 13:30-15:00 5 Coding for Embodied Computation: Build your own digital landscape
  15:15-16:20   Desk crits on project ideas
03.06 13:30-15:00 6 Coding for Embodied Computation: Communication protocols (MQTT)
  15:15-16:20   Desk crits on project ideas
03.13 13:30-15:00 7 Recess
  15:15-16:20   Recess
03.20 13:30-15:00 8 Coding for Embodied Computation: Communication protocols (ROS)
  15:15-16:20   Desk crits on project ideas
03.27 13:30-15:00 9 Coding for Embodied Computation: CompasXR: Unity App with Menu and Visualization menu
  15:15-16:20   Desk crits on project ideas
04.03 13:30-15:00 10 Coding for Embodied Computation: CompasXR: Unity App with Menu and Visualization menu
  15:15-16:20   Project specific work assist
04.10 13:30-15:00 11 Project-based development
  15:15-16:20   Project specific work assist
04.17 13:30-15:00 12 Project-based development
  15:15-16:20   Project specific work assist
04.24 13:30-15:00 13 Project-based development
  15:15-16:20   Project specific work assist

Week 1 - 01.30.2024

Course Introduction: Augmented reality and human-machine collaboration in architecture

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 2 - 02.07.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: Unity introduction

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 3 - 02.14.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: First AR app

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 4 - 02.21.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: Create your own interface

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 5 - 02.28.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: Digital landscape

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 6 - 03.06.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: Communication protocols (MQTT)

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 7 - 03.13.2024


Week 8 - 03.20.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: Communication protocols (ROS)

13:30 - 15:00

15:15 - 16:20

Week 9, 10 - 03.27.2024, 04.03.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: CompasXR: Unity App with Menu and Visualization menu

13:30 - 16:20

Week 11-13 - 04.03.2024, 04.10.2024, 04.17.2024, 04.24.2024

Coding for Embodied Computation: CompasXR: Unity App with Menu and Visualization menu

13:30 - 16:20

Submission exercise 6 - Week 11 -  04.10.2024
Paper progress - Methods 
Submission exercise 7 - Week 12 -  04.17.2024
Paper progress: Results + conclusion
Week 13 -  04.24.2024
04.29 - 05.06.2024
Supplementary correction meetings for paper during this period
Final submission of paper and project
Graduate Course Grades Due
